In the Morningside Heights section of Manhattan lays Grant's Tomb also known as The General Grant National Memorial. A very cool mausoleum and museum run by the National Park Service that opened over 110 years ago. Rich in history, architecture and grandeur and all dedicated to that 18th President and Civil War General with the bad-ass first name: Ulysses S. Grant. In fact, the park service is celebrating his 189th Birthday on April 27th at the tomb.
Grant’s Tomb is also one of those NYC locations that seemingly no one has visited. Even among locals who have lived here for years and years. Even though the museum is completely free and complimentary tours are offered several times daily, it has a lower profile and is a touch off the beaten path. Another reason is that for much of the 20th Century the landmark fell into severe disrepair and there was even a movement to relocate the museum to Illinois. (wha?). But now, thanks to federal grants in the 90's, the place is in fantastic shape and is even opening a new exhibit and gift shop this very month!
Need an opportunity/excuse to change all that lack of visiting to this unsung NYC staple? That may be coming with the Spring Big Adventure on Saturday, April 30th! The Big Adventure considers this site a must visit so join us and RSVP on our Faceboook page.
Either way, it is certainly a place worth checking out. And then you’ll finally be able to answer the question of WHO precisely is buried in Grant’s Tomb.

West 122nd Street & Riverside Dr
New York, NY 10027
Yes, despite working 8 blocks from Grant's Memorial, I am one of those New Yorkers who has never visited it. Having just returned from a long road trip visiting Civil War sites with 2 teenage girls...I guess I better go!