Below are the particulars on our cinematic day complete with all the info you need to get from location to location around NYC. You can always visit us on The Blog or FaceBook Page for more information as it develops. We’re plan to roll the projectors around 2:30 PM, but, as always, feel free to meet up with the Big Adventure at any point throughout the day.
Brunch at Film Center Café – 2:30 PM - 9th Avenue at 45th St (Hell’s Kitchen). We’ll start the day with a brunch at this charming location that boasts an unlimited drink brunch (or AYCD for those in the know) as well as a delicious selection of pancakes, omelets and more. Sure, it might cost more than movie theater popcorn with extra butter, but it’ll help get you through the day better.

The Blind Tiger- 6:00 PM – To celebrate the “The Blind Side” - 281 Bleecker near Commerce and 7th Avenue (West Village). To salute Sandra Bullock’s Oscar Winning performance (she’s a lock; trust us), we’re going to visit one of the best Ale Houses in the city. With an incredible beer selection that would make Sam Adams salivate, great relaxed setting and tasty dishes, this is one of our favorite bars in the city.

Cowgirl Hall of Fame – 9:30 PM- To mark the achievement of “Crazy Heart”- 519 Hudson between 10th and Charles Street (West Village) –Jeff Bridges himself would feel right at home at this restaurant/bar with a fun & festive atmosphere. A touch campy without being ridiculous, you can drink your margarita from a boot. We’ll also be doing a Razzie pool inviting you to make predictions on the year’s worst films. Trying to line up an appearance by Maggie Gyllenhaal, but oddly enough she’s not returning our calls.

As always, there will be a mix of surprises, personal touches and a contest or two of personal skill that tend to accompany every Big Adventure.
Keep in mind all are welcome so feel free to pass this on to whomever you choose. The auditorium can hold all for this screening. Let us know if you think you might make it so we have an idea for size and how many tickets to buy in advance. Hope to see you next Saturday!