We know it sounds unlikely, but rounding up a bunch of friends and
grabbing tickets to the Professional Bull Riders Invitational at Madison SquareGarden may be one of the most fun things you can do this weekend in NYC.
Speaking from experience, The Big Adventure can vouch for this surreal and
extraordinaire experience. Which is only made better by the fact that you
probably know nothing about Bull Riding. The PBR is the pinnacle of a paradox
when you witness, smack-dab in the middle of NYC, men riding three ton bulls on
the exact same floor on which the Knicks played 48 hours earlier. The crowds
are lively and diverse ranging from irony-seeking local school kids to legit
cowboys that moseyed down to MSG from…well…no one is sure where. And Flint theRodeo Clown (really) will keep you amused as you watch cowboys grib a saddle
for deal life as angry bulls try to buck them to the hard dirt.
The best part is that tickets are cheap, the sport is inviting and they come
back every January. We invite you watch 40 men try to tackle a bull for eight
seconds on the "Toughest Sport on Dirt.” (Don’t make the mistake of
confusing this event with a Rodeo) Did you know that even the animals can get penalties in
this sport? It’s true. Flags are thrown. Lasers and Fireworks are deployed.
Speaking from experience, The Big Adventure can vouch for this surreal and

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